Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Puerto Rican Holiday...

Alright people! I seriously think I will be making traditional Puerto Rican holiday dishes this year. It's really for no one other than us, but I really feel like I need to pass on our traditions to Brianlily as soon as possible! I want her to watch and help make it all the way I've done with my grandmother.

I'm talking about some serious hard work- Pasteles (scroll down to read about Puerto Rico)! And of course some Alcapurrias! Now all I have to do is find all the ingredients here in West Bubba! I really want to make it happen though. I called family members to get family recipes, I have my grocery list, now all I need is to begin my scavenger hunt!

I will be sure to keep any Puerto Ricans in the state posted by updating this! lol I swear I'm the only Puerto Rican in Portland!!!

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